Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We're finally home!

Hey guys!

We just got back from 2 weeks of visiting back home. We had such a wonderful time - wonderful but busy.

I came up with a couple AWESOME little patterns while I was up there but silly me didn't write them down. I was just happy to be crocheting away. That's ok - it was a matching eyeglass case and cell phone holder so it'll be quick and easy enough to make another one.

It is so great to have my hands back since the surgery. Somehow I did manage to hurt my left on. (Lost my balance and caught it with my hand instead of my face) and the swelling is finally starting to go down.

I didn't get a whole lot of crocheting done.

What I did do was get my Mom on DSL so she can enjoy her time on the computer!
Hi Mom!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pineapple Sundae (unblocked)

Click here for full size pic.

This is a beautiful doily.
I got really tired of doing all those trcs tho.

I used #10 thread and my #6 bates hook w/
1 strand of purple sewing thread.

I finished it off with 2 rounds of white to give it a border.
(Actually, I ran out of thread)

I just LOVE the look of it with the color added in.

It's about 16 inches across.


Monday, April 6, 2009

On the hook

At the moment I'm working on a vintage doily called Pineapple Sundae. It is GORGEOUS! It all trcs. ugh.

It's my first piece using sewing thread to color it. I love the look of it except I ran out of thread!

I have 2 rounds left to go so I'm doing those in white to give it a border. Not quite the look I was hoping for but I'm too close to finishing it to stop now.

The last row was the first round of the border and it's a solid trc around. Of course I screwed up in the beginning of the round and had to pull the entire round out. That really put a damper on finishing this up. But - I'm determined.

The very last round is all scs but I don't like it. It just doesn't look finished so, of course - I'm just going to have to change it. I already have a pretty good idea of how I'm going to finish it off. I just keep thinking that if I didn't screw up it would be finished by now. I hate that feeling - it just makes a project hard to pick back up.

We're outta here for a couple weeks. We're going home for Easter. I'm hoping that by the time we get back I'll have enough strength and dexterity in my hands to block my newest doilies. They're going to look gorgeous when they're finished.